Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Heatwaves,Global Warming and Human Responsibility

I've decided to add another ramble! Aren't I doing well! It might become a habit!

I've been thinking about heatwaves which on the whole I DON'T enjoy but at present we in London are having to endure.
Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't enjoy the summer sunshine but NOT when it becomes so oppressively hot you have no energy to do anything.
Excessive summer heat spells have become more common in recent decades, probably due to global warming. It's difficult to believe that with all the pumping of chemicals into the atmosphere by the ever growing world economies ( despite the blip which is the current recession) we are NOT partially responsible for the overall rise in temperatures .
Perhaps we can have a debate on this on my blog should anyone care to read my thoughts. Whether you're a Christian or not I think that we DO have a responsibility for the care of mother earth. We do seem particularly good at pursuing ever increasing wealth at the expense of the beautiful natural world with which we have been wonderfully blessed.
Here ends my brief thought for the day. What do you think?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Men and flowers

Yesterday I had occasion to remonstrate with four boys who were larking around in the private area behind our flats. I opened the kitchenette window and leaned out to speak to them. One of the boys who appeared to be the ring leader sniggered when he noticed a small bunch of yellow carnations standing on the window sill. Clearly it was not something he expected to see on the window sill of a man's flat. Why, one wonders, is it considered so unmanly for men to appreciate the beauty of flowers, at least in this part of the world? Perhaps someone out there reading this might be able to comment!